The Organization Fair happens each fall and spring semester giving students the chance to connect with a variety of student organizations and engagement opportunities.
Skip to the list of organizations
Fall 2025 Organization Fair
- Date: Wednesday, Sep. 3, 2025
- Time: 5-7 p.m.
- Location: Iowa Memorial Union
Why join a student organization?
- Meet friends with similar, or differing, interests
- Learn about new activities and ways of thinking
- Participate in cultural, sports, political, or entertainment activities
- Run for positions in the organization
- Build skills and your resume
On the day of the event
- Find the list of organizations below
- Think about what might interest you, and what might challenge you to Excel, Stretch, Choose, Engage, or Serve (the Iowa Challenge)
- Can't make it? That's okay! Set up an advising appointment to learn more about how you can engage during your time at Iowa.
What to expect at the Student Organization Fair
Each organization sets up a booth to showcase their offerings, which encompass diverse interests such as academics, culture, sports, volunteering, and more. This event allows students to discover and connect with groups that align with their passions, fostering a sense of community and personal growth.
Spring 2025 Participating Organization List
RSO NAME | Assigned Section |
Active Minds- University of Iowa | Choose |
Alpha Phi Omega | Serve |
American Cancer Society on Campus | Serve |
American Marketing Association at Iowa | Excel |
American Red Cross Club At Iowa | Serve |
American Sign Language Club | Stretch |
Animal Health Club | Engage |
Anime and Manga Club | Engage |
ANKLE Pre-Podiatric Society | Excel |
Anthropology Club | Excel |
Association for Women in Sports Media, University of Iowa Chapter | Excel |
Big Brothers Big Sisters at Iowa | Serve |
Biological Interests Organization | Excel |
Black In Business Student Org | Excel |
Black Pre-Law Association | Excel |
Body image and eating disorder awareness | Choose |
Box of Balloons Iowa City | Serve |
Campus Bible Fellowship @ Iowa | Stretch |
Campus Christian Fellowship | Stretch |
Dance Club at the Universty of Iowa | Choose |
Data Science Organization | Excel |
DeGowin Blood Center Student Organization | Serve |
Delta Sigma Pi | Excel |
Doctors Without Borders Student Chapter | Serve |
earthwords: the undergraduate literary review | Engage |
Economics Student Association at Iowa | Excel |
Emergency Medical Services Student Organization | Excel |
Gamma Iota Sigma | Excel |
Genetics Exploration and Engagement | Excel |
Global Health Club | Choose |
Hawk Pokemon League | Engage |
Hawkeye Ballroom Dance Company | Engage |
Hawkeye Chronic Health Alliance | Engage |
Hawkeye Flying Club | Engage |
Hawkeye History Corps | Excel |
Hawkeye Sunset Club | Choose |
Health and Human Physiology at the University of Iowa | Excel |
Healthy LifeStars' Student Advisory Council | Choose |
Honors DEI | Excel |
Ignite at UI | Stretch |
Iowa Baja | Excel |
Iowa Bass Fishing Team | Engage |
Iowa CHAARG | Choose |
Iowa City Global Medical Brigades | Excel |
Iowa Neuroscience Club | Excel |
Iowa Pre-Nursing Club | Excel |
Iowa Young Americans for Freedom | Stretch |
Latino Student Union | Stretch |
Living Memoirs Project | Stretch |
Lutheran Campus Ministry at The University of Iowa | Stretch |
Medicus Pre-Medical Society | Excel |
Meditation Club | Choose |
Middle East North African Students’ Association | Stretch |
MoneyThink | Serve |
Multicultural Nursing Association | Excel |
New Moon Magazine | Engage |
Newman Catholic Student Center at The University of Iowa | Stretch |
Nightingale Writer's Group | Engage |
Orthodox Christian Fellowship at the University of Iowa | Stretch |
PhARM@UI University of Iowa | Excel |
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity: Iowa Pre-Law Chapter | Excel |
Pre-Law Association of Women | Excel |
Queer Liberation Front | Stretch |
Robotics at Iowa | Excel |
SACNAS at the University of Iowa | Stretch |
Sales and Consulting Club | Excel |
Sigma Tau Delta International English Society, Alpha Tau Iota Chapter of Iowa | Excel |
Society for Human Resources Management | Excel |
Spanish Club | Excel |
Strength in Numbers | Choose |
Student Advocates for Planned Parenthood | Stretch |
Survivor: Iowa | Engage |
The Culture Collective | Engage |
The Multicultural Arts Association | Stretch |
The Pre-Registered Dietitian Student Organization | Excel |
The Women's Network | Stretch |
Translate Iowa Project | Serve |
University of Iowa Bowling club | Choose |
University of Iowa Knitting Club | Choose |
Venus Magazine | Engage |
Veteran Association at Iowa | Serve |
Walk It Out | Stretch |
Women in Business | Excel |
Women in Heathcare | Excel |
YDSA at Iowa | Serve |
Iowa Students for a National Health Program | Stretch |
Native American Student Association | Stretch |
Green Bandana | Choose |
Tippie Students for Serice | Serve |
The English Society | Engage |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Excel |
College Republicans | Stretch |
Pre-Physical Therapy Organization | Excel |
Device Advice | Serve |
Ratio Christi | Stretch |
Theta Tau - Professional Engineering Fraternity - Omicron Chapter | Excel |
Cave Writing Magazine | Engage |
Student Advancement Network | Serve |
Tippie Real Estate Club | Excel |
Public Relations Student Society of America at Iowa | Excel |
Black Student Union | Stretch |
Special Olympics Chapter at the University of Iowa | Stretch |
Women in Film | Engage |
The Navigators at Iowa | Stretch |
Iowa Humanities in Medicine Celebrations | Excel |
Aerospace and Rocketry Club | Excel |
City Planners at Iowa | Engage |
Iowa Skydiving Club | Choose |
Hawkeye Nonprofit Collective | Serve |
Taiwanese Student Association | Stretch |
Student United Way | Serve |
Cross-Cultural Student Coalition | Engage |
Women in Computing Sciences | Excel |
IC Homeless Project | Serve |