The Student Engagement Fair happens each fall and spring semester.

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The Fall 2024 Student Engagement Fair

  • Date: Wednesday, September 4th, 2024
  • Time: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
  • Location: Hubbard Park

Why join a student organization?

  • Meet friends with similar, or differing, interests
  • Learn about new activities and ways of thinking
  • Participate in cultural, sports, political, or entertainment activities
  • Run for positions in the organization
  • Build skills and your resume

On the day of the event

  • Find the list of organizations below
  • Think about what might interest you, and what might challenge you to Excel, Stretch, Choose, Engage, or Serve (the Iowa Challenge)
  • Can't make it? That's okay! Set up an advising appointment to learn more about how you can engage during your time at Iowa. 

What to expect at the Student Engagement Fair

Each organization sets up a booth to showcase their offerings, which encompass diverse interests such as academics, culture, sports, volunteering, and more. This event allows students to discover and connect with groups that align with their passions, fostering a sense of community and personal growth.