The purpose of the Campus Events Funding Program

  • To support and encourage student programming
  • To provide funding for student-planned events
  • To provide marketing support for student-planned events
Organization Submission DeadlineEstimated Organization Notification Date
January 17January 28
February 7February 18
February 28March 11
March 21April 1
April 11April 22
May 2May 13
May 23June 3

Funding criteria and application

Student Organizations must be registered to apply.Student organizations must be currently registered by their specific governing body or UI Department (USG or GPSG, ARH, PHC, IFC, NPHC, MGC, or UI Department) at the time of the applications and at the time of the event or program. Additionally, other organizations, which include but are not limited to, university-wide collaborations and organizations are eligible to apply (e.g., CAB Events, Family Weekend, On Iowa!, IMU, University Departments)
Approved events only.Registered student organization events must be submitted to and approved through the Engage Platform in order to receive Campus Event Funding.
UI PolicyFunding support and requests must be consistent with UI policy (e.g. risk management, purchasing)
Funding AmountsOrganizations may receive (but are not guaranteed) a maximum of $2,500 per fiscal year. Receiving funding one year does not guarantee your group will receive funding (or the same amount of funding) the following year. Campus Events Funding may not fully fund an event.
Attendance TrackingEvents require swipe technology to track attendance and demographics of attendees. Make your swipe reservation at Leaderhsip and Engagement Tablet Checkout Site. Swipe checkouts are available 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday thru Friday, so if your event is over the weekend, be sure to create your checkout for the Friday before the event. For more information about tablet reservations email at
Budget TemplatesApplications should include a budget in an excel file format. Budgets should include ALL projected income and expenses AND indicate what specific items/budget lines are requested from Campus Events Funding. Sample acceptable budgets are listed below.

Budget 1
Budget 2
Budget 3
Post-Event Evaluation FormEvents require post-event evaluations and summaries utilizing the Post Event Evaluation Report form.  Post Event Evaluation Forms not completed within three weeks (21 days) following your event, could be subject to funds not being approved. Your post event form should include a budget of final accurate expenses for your event.
AlcoholEvents must be alcohol free and held at locations where alcohol is not primary source of revenue.
LocationEvents can be held on or off campus, within the Iowa City area.
Promotion & AccessibilityEvents must be open as well as promoted and advertised to all University of Iowa students
Collaborations are encouraged.Priority will be given to organizations that solicit other support and collaborative partnerships.

Prohibited expenses for Campus Events funds

  • Travel
  • Conferences
  • Regular Organization Meetings
  • Honorarium (Speaker, Musician, DJ, Dancer, Entertainment, etc.)
  • Hotels
  • Prizes/ Gifts
  • Purchase of equipment or assets
  • Events that generate revenue for charities will not be considered for funding
  • Free-will donations for charities may be accepted at the event, but generated revenue from admission fees may not be donated to charity. The revenue from admission fees must go toward the cost of the event. Campus event funding should not be used for events for profit.
  • Campus event funding should not be used for the purchase of t-shirts.
  • Events that have already received partial funding from Campus Events Funding

Applications should focus on these concepts

  • How does this event appeal to a variety of students?
  • How is the event open to all UI students and communities?
  • Who are possible partners for this event?
  • How is this new and different from existing events?

Application Closing Date

The last day to submit an application for this fiscal year is April 4th. Any submissions received after this date will be reviewed for the 2025-2026 academic year events.

Online Application Link

Committee representation

The Campus Events Funding Application Committee is composed of members from the following UI departments, student organizations, and community partners:

Student Engagement & Campus Programs, University Housing & Dining, Recreational Services, Iowa Memorial Union, Student Wellness, Associated Residence Halls, Student Organization Business Office (non-voting)

All applications must be submitted online. Student Engagement & Campus Programs will not accept paper submissions. 

Campus Events Funding Committee reserves the right to table any application and follow up to request more detailed information.

Failure to follow guidelines listed above could result in restriction of future funding.

Looking for additional funding?

Hosting a late night event? Your organization may also qualify for funds from Late Night Grant Funding.

Your organization may also qualify for funds from Associated Residence Halls (ARH). You can learn more here. If you have questions about ARH Funding Requests, please email: