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Funding Resources
There are a number of ways for a student organization to receive funding.
Examples include:
- Collecting money from members (dues)
- Dues may be collected via cash, check, or 3rd party electronic money collection service. Please review our statement regarding electronic money collection.
- Buy and sell apparel
- For merchandise/apparel using the University of Iowa trademarks or wordmarks, Student Organizations are required to use an approved University vendor. Approved vendors are guaranteed to comply with the University of Iowa’s Code of Conduct. UI Liscensing
- For each purchase, before placing an order, student organizations must submit the design and Trademark Licensing Application for approval from UI Licensing if using the University of Iowa trademarks or wordmarks. Proof of permission to use other copyrighted trademarks
- Fundraising and collecting donations
- Complete an Event Submission through Campus Labs Engage and get receive approval prior to each fundraising event.
- Organizations may not compete with contracted University vendors, such as Coca-Cola or University Bookstore (Hawk Shop).
- Requesting money from one or both student government finance allocation committees. Funding must be requested through Campus Labs Engage for a specific budget request period. The student government asks that organizations be as specific and thorough as possible when requesting funds. There are several budget request periods and deadlines throughout the year.
- Requesting money from Campus Events Funding, Late Night Funding, Student Leader Training Incentive Program (SLTIP), or other funding opportunities such as Green Initiatives Funding.
- Organizations must comply with all University cash handling rules. A secure cash box must be used to collect and store cash and checks; all money should be deposited at the Student Organization Business Office (157 IMU) as soon as possible. Cash boxes may be rented from the Student Organization Business Office.
Keep track of the money you are collecting by type of income. That is, keep separate totals for admission, registration, dues, donations, and sales. Also, keep track of whether the money is coming from University members or the public.
For more information on funding resources, contact Student Organization Business Office at (319) 335-3065 or