- Home
- Student Organizations
- Manage Your Organization
- Reserve a Swipe Tablet
Reserve a Swipe Tablet
Main navigation
- Advisor External to UI Gain Access to Engage
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- Elections for New Officers
- Email Account for Your Organization
- Engage - Creating and Publishing
- Reserve a Swipe Tablet
- Engage - Trouble signing into your account?
- Event/Meeting Planning
- Finances
- Food Options for Student Organizations
- Funding - Campus Events Funding
- Funding Resources
- Funding - Submitting a request for USG/GPSG funding
- Governing Documents in Engage
- Leadership Turnover Checklist
- Mass Emails
- Prior Approval to Travel
- Resources for Student Organizations
- Room Reservations
- Roster - Keeping it Updated
- Scheduling a Meeting with Student Organization Development
- Streaming Movies and TV Shows
- Student Organization Names
- Travel and Student Organizations
- U-Bill Charge Agreement
- Updating Student Organization Profile Picture
- UI Licensing - Logo Use for Apparel and Other University Branded Gear
- Websites for Student Organizations
- Zoom Meeting Setup
Leadership & Engagement provides Swipe Tablets for Student Organizations to track attendance at their events. If you are receiving Late Night Funding or Campus Events Funding, you are required to track attendance through the Swipe Tablets.
To request a Swipe Tablet, fill out the Qualtrics form and follow the instructions below.
Instructions after submitting Qualtrics link:
- Click on “Reservations” which is on the left of the page
- Click on “New Reservation”
- Choose the “Start Date” which is the date of your event unless your event is on the weekend then you would pick up the tablet the Friday before the event.
- The “End Date” is automatically populated
- Click “Next”
- Click on the down arrow under “SWIPE” Tablet and choose the number of tablets you would like to reserve
Click “Next” and your reservation will then be complete
To request your attendance data, please email with the following information.
- Student Name
- Student Email
- Student Organization Name
- Event Name
- Event Location
- Event Date
If you have any questions, call 319-335-3059.